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Concept Art Empire(CAE) does collect personal data anonymously(country of origin, age, sex) and this is curated only for personal analytics. If you want to opt out of Google Analytics demographic tracking you can manage those settings here.
We also run ads and some links on this website do lead to affiliate programs.
Affiliate Disclosure
Concept Art Empire is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Concept Art Empire works with many affiliate programs for premium art resources. Many links to products on this site are affiliate links. Readers like yourself do not pay any extra money with these links. The seller takes a cut so you pay the exact same price for everything, and we earn a small commission on each sale.
These commissions are not paid reviews and we are not ever paid money directly(nor do we accept money) in exchange for positive reviews.
Our editorial guidelines place a focus on promoting the best products first over anything else. Our product recommendations are controlled solely by these editorial guidelines & our own opinions on various products.
Images & Credits
All images, photos, paintings, and screenshots are copyright their respective owners unless stated otherwise. Each image caption includes credits with link(s) back to the owners.
Visuals published on this website are either owned by CAE or licensed to us by permission from the image creator. This means we personally contact every artist before publishing any of their work. Our goal is to help promote artists & their work, but only if they give us permission to do so. We strive to hit this goal with 100% accuracy but things can slip through.
If there is any problem with unwanted copyrighted material being republished here please contact us and we will remove it immediately.
Alternatively if you have copyrighted artwork that you want published here(with credit!) please contact us and let us know.
Creative Commons Attributions: Email envelope icon created by Freepik from Flaticon.